Masters Degree Exhibition, Slade School of Fine Art, London, England

Afterlife I,  A blue and brown fresco-like narrative painting installation that depicts the resurrection of a mummy from the earth into a kind of mystical paradise.

     Oil, wax, feathers, tea, soil, grass, lavender oil and feathers on board, roughly 6 ft. x 24 ft., 2001  

Afterlife II,  A pale green fresco depicting the same mummy, now newly transfigured.  Her flesh is still vulnerable and exposed as she floats along the swamp of this mystical realm, helped along by the outstretched arms of the Unseen.

     Oil, wax, feathers, tea, soil, grass, lavender oil and feathers on board, 6 ft. x 16 ft., 2001

Artist Statement
My work employs translucent materials such as watercolor, layered tracing paper and wax to evoke the atmospheric qualities of light. It often explores my interests in contemplative spaces and interpersonal relationships.

Layering materials both conceals and reveals forms, suggesting dimension and history.  

Small works often lead me to make larger installations or sculptures, but I continually return to the two-dimensional surface.

For pricing and further information about my work, please feel free to contact me at or use the contact form.